Thursday, June 30, 2005

Daily Driving Part 2

This entry is being made due to this mornings drive in to work. It sparked one of my other "not so favorite" things about driving. Typical morning, get up, get dressed, make liquid breakfast (coffee), let the dogs out, finish getting ready and then leave for work. I normally give myself extra time as we all know there is always something or someone that is going to cause you to lose time.
Well, I am pulling out of the subdivision and there is a truck passing by with 2 cars behind it. The speed limit is 35 down this particular stretch of road. I pull out behind the last of the vehicles and speed up to 30mph. At this point I am almost on the bumper of the car in front of me. The truck in the front of the line is only going about 25mph. WHY!!!??
So here we are, three vehicles, including myself, doing 10 mph under the speed limit because this moron in the front feels the need to drive this way at 6:35 in the morning. My personal thought is, if you are gonna drive that slow, knowing there are people behind you, why not pull over and let them by. It only seems they are scenic driving and in no apparent hurry to get anywhere. Who knows where this person was heading but clearly in no hurry. Unfortunately this is not a passing road and the police seem to hang out around here quite a bit.
I made it to work on time, fuming for part of the way, even after the slow driver turned the opposite way I was going. Thank god. Another day, another opinion..............


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