Saturday, April 19, 2008


Hello all!
This post is about the earthquake that just happened yesterday, April 18, 2008. Yes, here in Indiana, we experienced an earthquake. My wife and I were in bed and already hit the snooze once. Right at 5:37am, the dresser started shaking first and then the whole room. It lasted about 10 seconds or so but very evident that something was happening. I thought the cat was leaning against the dresser and scratching at first, but my wife sat up and said "What the hell was that?!"
I jokingly at first said, "it was an earthquake". After we talked back and forth for a few minutes, I grabbed the remote and turned on the news. IT WAS A 5.2 EARTHQUAKE! The epicenter was someplace in Illinois about 200 miles from here. I won't go into any more detail than that as I have heard enough about it. Personally I thought it was interesting and pretty cool that I got to experience it. Fortunately there was no real damage in the area or in the town where it originated. We witnessed history in the making.
On a side note, I am waiting for the "I Survived the Earthquke of 2008" shirts to start coming out. I would almost bet a paycheck on that one. Anyway.........that was exciting and I thought I would mention it. Later all and happy surfing.........


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