Thursday, January 01, 2009

Catch Up #2

OK so back to the last post. The president of the company took over the department I worked in after he pretty much forced the other guy to leave. Long story. After that happened, it became clear that I was going to be the person that did nothing right. I went through months of being ridiculed and badgered every morning in front of my co-workers. Nothing I did seemed to be the right thing. Even though I was doing my job exactly the same as everyone else in the department, there was always something wrong with what I did. It got to a point when I hated to go to work every morning because I knew what was going to happen.
After going through that, I was initially going to be laid off of work. I asked to be moved to the production floor to keep from losing my job . I was able to stay but at the cost of losing $3.50 an hour and no overtime. Hell, for that matter, it was just under 40 hours per week. It is late again. I will return to this wonderful end to 2008 next time.

Later................happy surfing


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