Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Back again......

OK so since last post, a little more nonsense has happened. Not to go into to much detail, part of the not so good last year dealt with my wife and my boss shit talking back and forth via texting. I read a few of the messages that was sent between them and lets just say, if any man in my position would have read what i did, they would have taken it the same way. After dealing with that crap for almost a year, I found out that she is doing this shit with another person we work with. Not really sure how to take this but it is beginning to piss me off severely. She knows this too. I am really considering telling his girlfriend about it as he is talking shit about her to my wife. He is a FUCKING CHICKENSHIT WEASEL! After fighting about that for a day or 2, it has settled a little. Mainly on my part as I have decided to distance myself emotionally. Too much shit to deal with.
So over the past couple weeks i have been posting on FB on a "supposed" private page for emplyees to vent about all the bullshit that happens at work. Obvious mole in the mix that I just recently found out about. Anyway, i had been venting about the shit talking going on without so much as mentioning anyones name AT ALL. Someone from the executive staff, I assume, went to my wife asking what was wrong with me. They proceeded to show her what I had posted and had the audacity to look at what I posted/responded to on MY FAMILIES posts. This ended in a fight between my wife and myself. Fucking dirty cowardly spineless chickenshit fucks can't even come ask ME what I am pissed about. ASSHOLES!!!
So now everything I posted outside of the employee made page, she thinks is about her. How fucking cowardly can you be to pull my wife into something that had nothing to do with her. FUCK THEM!!!!

Out for now.........


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