Monday, August 29, 2005


Evening all. Well this is my second post today as you can see. I was going to talk on the subject earlier in the first post but decided not to.
For those who can relate to the subject, tattoos are cool. I personally have 4 as of Sunday night. I got my first one quite some time ago. It was a Mickey Mouse on the front of my hip, right at the bend. It was quite painful being in the area that it was. Very tender. The only drawback to the tatt was, the guy that gave it to me told me to use vaseline to keep it from scabbing real bad. Either the guy was a complete moron or had no clue what he was talking about. As I learned during my second one, you don't use anything with petrolium in it because it will draw the ink out. The first one faded really bad and looks like shit now.
So 3 tattoos later, I am addicted. The last one was a creation my wife and I came up with of Jack Skellington from the movie "Nightmare Before Christmas". The character wasn't the creation, but the pose and facial expression was one we came up with. It is on the right side of my chest from just above my nipple to almost my collar bone. It is good sized and the detail is awesome. If anyone reading this lives in my area, take my advise and go to ASGARD INK in New Albany. The guys there are awesome and don't charge a lot for their work.


Wow, it has been a little while since my last post. Need to stop doing that.
Todays subject is on something we obviously cannot do without.......sleep. I know we cannot go long periods of time without some type of sleep and rest as the body begins to wear down. With that in mind, I figured that if the average person sleeps 8 hours per day, they are pretty much sleeping 1/3 of their life away. If they sleep 6 hours, it falls to sleeping 1/4 of heir life away and so on.
I am a night owl. I have a really hard time making myelf go to bed at night. On the weekends, I am usually up until 3 or 4am. I usually start getting these ideas of doing things early in the evening and it goes uphill from there and the next thing I know it is 2 in the morning.
I think there needs to be a way or drug of some sort, that will allow a person to sleep for 2 hours and be completely rested. Ok, maybe 3 hours. Either way, a short amount of time sleeping with the benefits of having being fully rested. I mean a LEGAL drug. I am aware that there are drugs out there that will do something like this, but I really don't want to get addicted or have my teeth fall out or lose everything I own to get it. NOT!
I personally think that would be cool. Just a thought....................