Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bad Night

Hey all...............what is up?
I started my music copying task last night and almost got it finished. Well, at least copied to my PC. I was up kinda late working on it (almost midnight) before I MADE myself go to bed. I had to work the following day and 5:30 am comes mighty early.

I got to bed just after midnight and could not get to sleep for anything. I was in that state between asleep and awake for about an hour and a half. I would start to fall off to dreamland and then suddenly get yanked out. Plus, our cat was acting like a freak, jumping on and off of the bed and flipping around by our feet while on the bed. My wife decided to set up and read for a while to try and get back to sleep as she was already in LA-LA land when I came to bed. I was awake but she didn't know it so I was aware of everything. Around 1:30 am, the damned electricity went out. Then it came back on and faded back off again. We sorta laid there for a minute saying to each other that it was out. Then all the alarms in the house started going off. The alarms on all the smoke detectors were chirping and the alarm on the sump pump back-up was going off. Well at that point, forget sleep. We got up and started lighting candles to be able to get around without breaking bones or anything else.

My daughter got up because she is scared of the dark (at 15). We sat around for about 20 minutes after I called the electric company to report the outage and decided to go to Steak and Shake. We got there around 2:30 am and waited for 3:00am to eat breakfast. After that, we went back home. Got here around 4:30 am and the electric was still out. My wife and I ended up staying home from work today as we didn't get any sleep and the electric came on about the time I would be getting up for work. Played hooky and slept and finished copying my music to the computer. I have around 18 gigs of MP3 music. Now it's time to transfer them to DVD's. That will be tomorrow as it is exactly midnight again. I am outta here........................................

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Just a day...

Hello all.............for those who read this.
I actually thought someone was reading my blog but I was wrong. OK if someone is actually reading it, do me a favor and don't give me links to BULLSHIT PERSONAL DATING SERVICE pages. I am married and have no interest in anything of the sort. If you are not an actual person, how in the hell do you get spam mail on a blog page?! That could be a long post so I will let it go for now.

My actual post was going to be on music..........of sorts. I enjoy almost all types of music. Some more than others and some MUCH less than others. Up until a few years ago, I was a big fan of classic rock. I am 36 so you can guess what that is. I like the new rock and alternative rock more than anything at this point. Very little country and even less rap. At any rate, back a few years ago when the whole MP3 thing blew up (I used to download them), I realized how easy it was to make your own. So I decided to convert my entire music collection to MP3 format. It has been a long road to converting them all, but now that it is done, I can leave my originals at home where they are safe.

Quite a few of my friends have had their cd collections stolen from their cars. Personally, I would never carry that kind of collection with me anyway, but to each his own. I have all of my MP3 music saved to CD-R's and am in the process of transferring them to DVD's. Much less space. So that is my latest project at hand...........................later