Monday, June 09, 2008


Yes, my friends, summer is finally here. It has been a few weeks since my last post but here I am again. If anyone has been reading this, you know i have a 1 yr. old daughter. Within the last few weeks i have done some major yardwork.

Now, when i say major, I don't mean i have tilled the entire yard and replanted grass or completely relandscaped the yard or anything. I put up a privacy fence on one side of the yard because I have neighbors that own a freaking out of control pitt bull. Because I have a young, innocent child that doesn't know any better, I had to separate her from the chain link fence that was the only thing keeping the fucking dog away. That was a job. I finally got that up and i hardly ever hear those dogs anymore. They can't see us when we are in the yard so they don't bark.

Next, I cut down an apple tree. When i say cut it down, I used an axe. I don't have a chainsaw or had no intentions of spending out the money to rent one. I got about 70% of it down and the only thing left was the main trunk that was a little over 4 feet tall. After a nice gentleman came over with a real chainsaw and cut the rest down, I hauled it all away to Earth First. That was some major exercise chopping on that tree.

I brought home some dirt because we received a swimming pool for an early anniversary gift from my parents. I had to level the yard where the pool was going. That was yet another job and more major exercise. We finally got that done and the pool set up and filled with water and chemicls. I swam in the neighbors pool over the weekend and got fried. My dumbass forgot sunscreen. So now I am paying for it. Hopefully I will be able to get in our pool this week if the water warms up a little bit more.

So now I am caught up for now and off to play. Later all and happy surfing...................