Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is a subject that almost everyone has to deal with daily. Not much we can do about it as it is a part of life. It is a constant subject on the news and at the water fountain everywhere. It seems that everyone running for office is talking about how they are going to fix it. BULLSHIT! They are telling us what we want to hear so they will get elected.
Now, I am not a polititcian nor do I carry any authority over any large amount of people. What I can say is this; What kind of fucking idiot do you have to be to figure out that the economy sucks because of gas prices?!! How can the average American afford to do anything that requires having to drive? For most of us, cost of living raises are like the plague. So when we are spending double the amount of $$$ on gas than we were last year, how can we spend money on anything else? Unless you walk down to the local park, provided it is within walking distance, you are wasting gas driving around. How can you afford to spend money on ANYTHING? Yeah, like that little bit of money we are getting back extra this year from the tax relief or whatever they are calling it is going to help the economy. All that will be used for is padding for gas money.
Next, we get to the oil companies. These fucks are bragging how they have billions of dollars in profits every year. How can they justify that? Do they really need to have all that cash in profits when the general public can hardly afford to put gas in their tanks? Greedy Bastards!! I agree that we need to figure out another way of fueling our vehicles but, until then, why can't the government kick these oil fucks in the balls and make them drop the prices.
Because I am a man with a logical mind.........this seems pretty simple to me.

Just My Opinion.....................happy surfing...........

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Hello all!
This post is about the earthquake that just happened yesterday, April 18, 2008. Yes, here in Indiana, we experienced an earthquake. My wife and I were in bed and already hit the snooze once. Right at 5:37am, the dresser started shaking first and then the whole room. It lasted about 10 seconds or so but very evident that something was happening. I thought the cat was leaning against the dresser and scratching at first, but my wife sat up and said "What the hell was that?!"
I jokingly at first said, "it was an earthquake". After we talked back and forth for a few minutes, I grabbed the remote and turned on the news. IT WAS A 5.2 EARTHQUAKE! The epicenter was someplace in Illinois about 200 miles from here. I won't go into any more detail than that as I have heard enough about it. Personally I thought it was interesting and pretty cool that I got to experience it. Fortunately there was no real damage in the area or in the town where it originated. We witnessed history in the making.
On a side note, I am waiting for the "I Survived the Earthquke of 2008" shirts to start coming out. I would almost bet a paycheck on that one. Anyway.........that was exciting and I thought I would mention it. Later all and happy surfing.........