Thursday, February 05, 2009

Life Changes

2nd post of 2009. As mentioned in my last post, my 18 yr. old daughter is talking about moving out. I know that time comes in every young adult when they want their freedom and their own place, but she is not doing this the right way at all. She is wanting to move 2 hours away and with a guy she knew from high school. That isn't the issue I have. The guy has a 3 yr old and living with his aunt. "They" offered to let her move in because she wants to move out. Does anyone else see the issue here? She said she isn't ready to get pregnant and have kids but, she is moving into a home to play mother to a child from a broken something. Don't hink they were ever married but just not together any longer. Either way, not a good way to start her journey to find herself and/or freedom.
She has no job experience except for working in a restaurant. She has no vehicle and no drivers license. Yet she is willing to move in with this person and put herself in an unhealthy situation. I do not understand kids today. She hasn't jumped ship just yet but i am sure it is coming. I guess she will learn the hard way as my wise, fatherly advice seemed to have no impact. We all have done things our parents have warned us not to, but this is WAY out in left field from the norm. Best of luck to her is all I can tell her at this point.
Gonna get some sleep now. Later all and as always...................happy surfing

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Well, as of the last post, things aren't really any better at all. While waiting to hear from anyone that could help me, I decided to swallow what liitle bit of pride I had left and file for FOOD ASSISTANCE. In the meantime, I got a return call from legal aide and of course, they could not help me. Child support will not change as I cannot afford to pay an attourney for all that right now. After almost 6 weeks, I am finally supposed to be getting my unemployment. I was SUPPOSED to be getting $390 a week but it was decided, without any knowledge of my own, that child support would be taken out and the full amount to boot. I mean, why not!? I have taken a huge paycut and now not working at all but, hey, FUCK me some more!!!
I have been looking for work now for almost 7 weeks and nothing is coming thru. I went on a couple of interviews but still nothing. I was turned down for Food Assistance because we make too much money. My wife alone, makes too much money. Another slamming door in the face. Fortunately we are still barely surviving. We decided to keep my daughter in day care part-time so she would not lose her place. She really enjoys being there too. She goes 3 days a week which works out good in case I have an interview or something else that I need to do. Not a big difference in the cost but we are doing what we can for now.
Not much else to say really. I am still hopeful that I can find another job soon. I thought I would enjoy the time off but, after the time I have been off, I would MUCH rather be working. Almost get cabin fever 3 days a week.
Next post will be about another life change in the family. My 18 yr old daughter is talking about moving out. More on that next time.

Later.....................happy surfing..........