Friday, March 28, 2008


The Louisville Cardinals are going to the Elite 8. They beat out #2 Tennessee last night. I was freakin loving it. They have to play #1 North Carolina Saturday night. That will be a tough game. If they continue playing like they have the last 3, they will win that one. Exciting!!
Well, early Saturday morning is my Spring Break trip north to pick up my boys. I will be one less this year as the oldest has decided he wants to stay home. I also was told he wants to stay home for summer break as well. I am a little hurt and a little upset about that but, I am not going to force him to come down if he does not want to. We will have fun either way. I have already planned to go to another LAN party while they are here for the summer and I am taking them with me. I am sure they will have loads of fun.
The guy in charge of the LAN has already told me he will only charge me 1 price for both of them as they won't be playing actual PC games. They will have fun playing the XBOX games they have set up. I appreciate the discount charge for them.
I am at work and lunch is about over so I better run for now. Later all

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hello all.
Well, the time has come, that I had to take a second job. My wife and I have been discussing this for a while because we are living paycheck to paycheck almost. We both work full time, but there is almost as much going out as coming in. One of us had to make a choice and I made it. I put in an application at Meijer about 2 weeks ago. At this point I didn't think I would hear anything. I got the call Sunday evening. I went in today for orientation and I will start either this week or next week.
I am only working 4 hours a night from either 6 to 10 or 7 to 11. I have to work at least 12 hours a week to keep the job. I won't be doing anything hard but what is really hard about working at a department store? I suppose if it were full time it may get to be old after a while, but as I am going to be part time, it may take a while longer. The money is the ONLY reason I am doing this. I will be missing my family more as I will work at least 3 days a week.
Seems to be BULLSHIT that this day and age that a husband and wife both working full time almost cannot make ends meet. We pay our bills and doo the right thing for the most part and just do not seem to catch any breaks at all. We have no car payments to mess with and still have to stretch every dollar to make it through. This second job will help but I will HATE being away from home and the family that much more.
I am also exploring other options as far as my career goes. I have been cruising the jobs in the area and I have found a few I am interested in. I am currently updating my resume because one of the jobs I am looking at starts out around $3 more on the hour than I currently make. The details of the job desciption is doing less than i do now and still pays more. Only shows that where I currently work, they have no intentions of paying me what I am really worth. I know they say that a person will never be satisfied with their wages but, I am a firm believer that if you are paid good, the person will do better work. If my job now paid me $3 more an hour, they would see a changed man.
Not going to happen though so I will continue my quest to find something better. Hopefully something will happen soon and I can say "LATER!!!"
The economy sucks right now but I am thankful I have a steady job. I will stay as long as I have to but when $$$ comes calling, I am out!
Later and happy surfing...............

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tournament Time............

It is that wonderful time again................NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT!!!!!
My team, The Louisville Cardinals survived the first round. They play Sunday against Oklahoma and I hope they win. Tournament time brings out some of the best basketball you will ever get to watch. Even the teams that you are not really rooting for, you just have to watch. Some of the underdogs you will find yourself hoping they win and others you don't.
I love watching most of the games because of the intensity of gameplay and the last second shots and the unbelievable shots that almost defy gravity and so on. It is freakin awesome!! I will be in front of the tv most of the day tomorrow but, especially at 5:00pm EST when my team is playing. Hope to be home at that time. Being as tomorrow is Easter, I will be eating at my parents. I WILL be home before the game starts.
Just wanted to put this out there for anyone to read. I am really trying this year to post more than in the year or two past. See how it goes.
Everyone have a great Easter Holiday and good luck to those that have teams still in the tournament. As always, safe and happy surfing.........................

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Passing...........

Hello all fellow bloggers..............
My post tonight deals with the inevitable..........death. My grandmother passed away last week and the funeral was Tuesday. It wasn't really terrible for me as we were not close. It was my dad's mother that passed. She was 86 and led a long life.
I am not real fond of funerals for the most part. It isn't so much the fact of family passing away that bothers me. I know it is going to happen no matter what. I am personally scared to death of that time. When I think about it I almost get sick to my stomach. I am not afraid to say that I do not want that day to get here for me. I love life too much and the thought of it being over and me not being around any more scares the hell out of me. Maybe in the years to come I will learn to accept that it will happen but for now, I do not like it.
Funny how things like this bring family together. Family that lives in the same area but you never see them. Interesting to see how people change over the years and yet, they are still the same. My dad has a large family from three marriages and kids from them all. It was a long day as it raineed the entire time of the funeral and burial. I hate rain as it is and having to drive for miles to get to all the destinations made it much worse.
Just wanted to post this so I didn't forget to get it on here. Get back on here at a later time and post more.
Later all and as always.........happy surfing!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

LAN Party

Hello again everyone.
Just wanted to take a few minutes and talk about a LAN party that I went to the weekend of March 8th and 9th. I have been wanting to do this for some time now and I finally got to do it. What made it even more interesting is that, we had so much snow in our area that weekend that it was declared a State of Emergency. A friend and I braved the snow covered roads and highway to go.
The morning of the party, I had to go out and dig my car out of the snow and dig a small path in front of my car to get started. After we finally got going, it was not a bad ride. Yes, everything was covered in snow including the highway all the way to our destination.
The party started at 10am on Saturday and went through to Sunday at 5pm. I did get about 4 hours sleep because around 2am, there were very few people awake and not much gaming going on. This is a link to the website for the KILANFEST.
Check it out if you want and if you are anywhere in my area, there is another one planned for June. I had a good time and will definately go again. June is out for me as my kids will be here for the summer at that time. The next one after, I WILL be there!!
Anyway, check out the webpage, see what you think. One more quick thing, if anyone is reading this blog of mine, by all means, leave me some comments so I at least know that someone is actually reading my opinions. I know opinions are like @ssholes, but I think I use some sort of logic to mine. But, again, you know what opinions are like!
Later all.....................happy and safe surfing.................


Hello all! How is everyone?
I will have 2 posts this evening.............the first, not about a vision, but about my eyesight. About 2 weeks ago, my wife and myself decided to have our eyes checked. She actually needed to go to get her contact prescription renewed but I went along for the ride. Along the ride I decided to go ahead and have mine checked as well. I had contacts some years ago but after they ran out I just never got any more.
Anyway, after the exam, I decided to go ahead and get contacts again. WOW! I never knew the clarity that my sight could have been all these years. I found myself wanting to look at everything like it was the first time I had sight. It was acually pretty cool to see such detail again.
A thought occurred to me as we were leaving the store with our "new" eyes. This chemical that we store the contacts in every day that is called an "all-in-one" solution?! How does that really work? Seriously, when I read something that says it cleans and disinfects and removes buildup; normally in the same paragraph it says something to the effect of "keep out of eyes". This contact solution does not say that. So if this "all-in-one" solution is doing all this while the contacts soak for at least 6 hours, and without rubbing the contacts, what the hell is it doing to your eyeball? Normally you just open the container in the morning and put them in, right? Then wear them for 10, 12, 14 hours. There is no burning or anything so what is the solution really doing? Maybe it's just me. For that matter, I had a hell of a time finding simple Saline Solution for contacts. Just my opinion, just a thought.
Enough for this time. Everyone take some time and upgrade your anti-virus and spyware software. Never know when something may get through. Later all and happy surfing...............