Sunday, October 22, 2006

Almost Time

It is tomorrow that we find out what the sex of our baby is!!! I have been waiting for this day as well as my wife. She has been starting to feel it move over the last couple of weeks and makes her happy. Tomorrow isn't the 3D ultrasound, but is is going to be awesome none-the-less. My wifes grandmother will be joining us tomorrow as she is as excited about it as we are. CAN'T WAIT!!
I had the LAN party this weekend. I was expecting 7 people to be playing this time, including me, but 2 of them did not show. Wasn't a real big deal as we had fun all the same. We played, yeah you guessed it, Unreal Tournamant 2004. We started around 2:00pm and played until almost 9:00pm. I envision these things lasting longer than that. There are a couple of the guys that would stay much later if all elements worked out. The way I look at it, I could be doing much worse things. I don't charge people to come over and play, and typically supply the drinks. I only ask that people bring a little cash so we can chip in and order pizza. Seems to work out pretty well. Looking to have another in about a month or so. It will be pushing the same time as Thanksgiving, but hopefully it will work out.
Not much else happening at the moment, so, need to get to bed. Later surfing!

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I'll get to the reason for the subject of tonights post in a few. Not sure if I have touched on this subject or not in the past as I am too damned lazy to read back through the previous posts.
About a year and a half ago, or so, when we moved into our new house, of course there were minor things we noticed that needed to be "touched up". Not too get side tracked on the small things, we noticed that in our back yard, there seemed to be some sort of "trench", thats what I called it, that ran acroos the yard from left to right. Not really sure what it was or why it was there, I decided at that time that I would later during the summer, have some dirt brought in to fill it. As things go with most people with hectic lives, it was never completed. I realized all too soon what it was.
Our house is about halfway down our subdivision, which runs downhill. The "trench", I found out, is nothing more than a water causeway gone wrong. Forget the details, but instead of running behind the fence, it has been pushed over into my yard. This was cause from a newer subdivision that was built behind ours. The dumbshits graded the land for the new one towards ours and, well, there you have the underlaying problem. So the facility that takes care of our water drain off and sewage, has decided it was time to fix it. I AM THANKFUL!!
After a few meetings, the construction started last week. First thing that happened was tree clearing. That was awesome. Now, days before it started, a couple of guys stopped by to look over what they had to do. I specifically told them they had to make sure they didn't mess up my drain for my sump pump, or my cable and phone lines. I showed them personally where they were to make damn sure they didn't fuck them up. So after the trees were cleared, they came in today and started recutting the water causeway and rebuilding my yard and reshaping the area where the causeway would be. I was so flipping happy when I found out today. I came home from work and went straight to the yard to check out the work. The yard is pretty much flat again and no more trench. I found the end of the sump pump drain where it was actually extended to drain into the causeway. I was loving it.
I seen the phone line laying across the ground which was cool. Then I seen the ORANGE CABLE LINE. It appeared at first to be fine, but something didn't look right. I came in the house and turned on the television to nothing more than static. I went back out to the cable line and pulled on it a little and it came up out of the ground cut in half. I WAS PISSED! After a phone call to the cable company to find out that they couldn't fix it until Monday (3 days away), I put my (subject) SKILLS to work.
I got a piece of patch coax cable and took the ends off of it. You know where this is going! I went out and spliced the cable back together with the 2 ends and a splitter. I used black electrical tape to make sure no water gets in it and as you can tell from this post, IT IS WORKING! I am not an electrician by any means nor am I a cable installer, but by god I was not waiting until Monday. SKILLS.
OK I got that out in the open and with that...............remember to update your ant-virus and adware software and by all means..............happy surfing.............

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Another Day...........

My wife went to the doctor on Tuesday this week for a pregnancy checkup. All is still great and wonderful. We go back in another week and a half to find out what it is. Not sure if I have said this already, but we are hoping for a boy. We will be happy with whatever we have but our preference.............
We are going to have the 3D ultrasounds made of our unborn child. They are pretty cool and I have BIG plans for the pictures we get. We are thinking about paying a little extra and getting the DVD video of the whole thing. They say we can invite around 15 people for that. My wife tells me (as she has been checking up on this) there is a big screen TV that everyone can watch while they are doing the ultrasound. I can guarantee my parents will be going and her Grandmother might be going. Haven't really talked about who we are inviting just yet. Most definately we will invite our awesome neighbor friends. They have really been good friends. They are talking about moving away(not real far) and it does bum me out as we really enjoy their company.
I am planning another LAN party in another week. Not sure how many people are going to be here, but one of my friends that I was hoping would show, is going to be out of town that weekend........SUCKS! I am expecting, at this point, around 5 people to show. I am hoping that 2 others will decide to play, but not sure right now. Should be fun either way. I am trying to think of some pretty lame things to give away as prizes. I could make some medals at work for people out of scrap steel. Sounds crappy but I have access to machine shop equipment and the software to drive it at work. I might just come up with some cool ideas and do that.
It is late and tomorrow is Friday...........time for bed............happy surfing