Thursday, June 30, 2005

Daily Driving Part 3

How many times have you been driving behind someone who obviously not paying attention to anything going on around them. They are slowing down; speeding up; switching lanes without signalling damn near running someone off the road; waiting at a red light and not moving when the light turns green until you honk at them. You finally get around them only to realize they have a CELL PHONE STUCK TO THEIR HEAD!!!
I personally hate getting phone calls while I am driving. Most of the time, the call could have waited because it is useless information. Unless it is an emergency (and I haven't had one yet), I tell them I will call back. Sometimes I won't answer the phone because I would prefer my attention be on the road and things going on around me.
My wife and I have had a couple of instances where we were driving down the highway and someone has damn near ran us off the road switching lanes because of the issue at hand, CELL PHONES. I would love to have a speaker under the hood of my car so I could scream, "YOUR NOT DRIVING A PHONE BOOTH, HANG UP AND PAY ATTENTION STUPID". Ahhhhhhh the satisfaction that would bring. Or better yet, have a nice loud air horn I could sound off when these people are around. As this is probably illegal, can't do that. More on the subject later...........

Daily Driving Part 2

This entry is being made due to this mornings drive in to work. It sparked one of my other "not so favorite" things about driving. Typical morning, get up, get dressed, make liquid breakfast (coffee), let the dogs out, finish getting ready and then leave for work. I normally give myself extra time as we all know there is always something or someone that is going to cause you to lose time.
Well, I am pulling out of the subdivision and there is a truck passing by with 2 cars behind it. The speed limit is 35 down this particular stretch of road. I pull out behind the last of the vehicles and speed up to 30mph. At this point I am almost on the bumper of the car in front of me. The truck in the front of the line is only going about 25mph. WHY!!!??
So here we are, three vehicles, including myself, doing 10 mph under the speed limit because this moron in the front feels the need to drive this way at 6:35 in the morning. My personal thought is, if you are gonna drive that slow, knowing there are people behind you, why not pull over and let them by. It only seems they are scenic driving and in no apparent hurry to get anywhere. Who knows where this person was heading but clearly in no hurry. Unfortunately this is not a passing road and the police seem to hang out around here quite a bit.
I made it to work on time, fuming for part of the way, even after the slow driver turned the opposite way I was going. Thank god. Another day, another opinion..............

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Daily Driving Part 1

This post, or series of posts, will be on the subject of driving. A co-worker of mine spawned the subject first thing this morning talking of an incident that happened to him on his way in.

Driving, as we all know, is something most of us are, as some would say blessed with. Those would be the younger generation who are early in their years of putting up with the sh*t that happens on the roadway. Now those of us who have been driving for some years would say that driving is not something we WANT to do every day.

One of my "not so favorite" things about driving is........RAIN. Most of the time during a nice downpour, you have to have your windows totally up to keep from ruining your only means of transportation. Typically, when all this raining is happening, it is during the summer part of the year. As you are driving along in the rain with the windows up, guess what? The windows start to fog. Again, remembering that it's summertime, you have to turn on the heat to fix the fogging problem. That really blows! From there, most can understand all the things going on inside the closed, heated driving compartment.

Next, the people out during the rain. I used to think that certain IDIOTS would come out during the rain, just to annoy those of us trying to make it home. Someone made a statement that added to my opinion of things. He said, " the idiots are always out there but the rain just MAGNIFIES their ignorance". Made perfect sence to me.

I talk mainly of those people who drive like they are scared out of their minds. They drive 35 on the highway when everyone else is driving at least the speed limit. So everyone is trying to dodge them and not cause a 30 car pile-up in the process. Or, they pull out in front of people at the last minute, not even thinking about what would happen if someone tried to stop suddenly. I could keep going, but you understand the frustration. IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF DRIVING IN THE RAIN, STAY HOME!
OK enough for now..............plenty more to come.................stay tuned......

Monday, June 27, 2005


OK, for those of you who are into computers and computer games and gizmos and tech gadgets etc., you probably know what TechTV is. Some time back, the producer of the show decided to merge with another affiliate company (G4TV). After the merge, there was a noticable difference in everything.
First, the website changed. That really p*ssed me off. Nothing I could do about it except post my opinions. We'll get to that later. Gradually, the original TechTV shows, along with the cast members, began to disappear. So here we are about 2 years after the merge and guess what? There are none of the original TechTV shows left. That channel sucks to the max now. I used to watch it constantly and actually learned quite a bit. Now I avoid that channel like the plague.
Back to the "opinions" issue. I started posting threads on the website asking why all the good shows were being ripped from the channel. I made a comment about how the channel sucked and the thread was locked. I began to search thru some of the other locked threads and noticed that anyone bashing G4 in any way, shape or form, the threads were locked. So after 3 more threads that were eventually labeled "spam", I gave up on it.
If anyone wants to see what I had to say, go to and look to the forums under "site stuff" towards the bottom and look for the threads by MADawg69. Just look for the locked ones, you'll find mine. Otherwise, click on the link "TechTV Peeps" and you'll be sent to the web page where all the original TechTV guys are now. ENJOY!!

My first Blog

As I am just beginning to BLOG, rest assured that the subject matter in my BLOG will be of my own opinion. I, in no way, intend to purposely offend ANYONE. Please feel free to reply with your comments.

This is me and my beautiful wife.